Posted 2/13/2009 1:19 PM by Faith-Ann Young
This video is dope. Directed by N.O. Bonzo, it echos some of the global economic insecurities, through animated little suited men whose heads are blown off and replaced with sea anemone-like strings (evidently that's what a restiform body is...). Meanwhile, little animated TVs, which multiply like rabbits, are juxtaposed with frenetic time-lapsed fuzzy clips of city streets (I'm thinking Oakland?) The track, appropriately called "Black Friday" is by Bay Area's electro hip hop outfit, Restiform Bodies (David Bryant-vocalist and song writer, Matt Valerio- percussionist and beat-maker & George Chadwick-synth, sample and effects slayer). Sound intense? It's actually quite hypnotic.
Source: RCRD LBL