the bomarr blog returns

the bomarr blog is back from the dead with a new and improved design and some great content to come. Let's read what the author himself as to say about it:

I started it off with a track some of you may have already heard, Meanest Man Contest's remix of "Night at the Knight School" by Thee More Shallows. It's tough to pick a "comeback post" after having the blog be inactive for a few years now, so I'm going to be playing around with the format a bit and just posting some random stuff I've been enjoying lately. You may love it, you may hate it. Feel free to post feedback, suggestions, etc. Not sure I'll be posting every single day, but go ahead and subscribe to the blog's rss feed to get updated every time I post something new. Hope you enjoy. I've been meaning to start this back up for some time now.

"Bobby Trendy Addendum" live video

The RB's performing live Bobby Trendy Addendum from their new LP at the Underground SF:

BOBBY TRENDY ADDENDUM from michael raines on Vimeo.